Rose Reading Room Protected!

Rose Reading Room Protected!

PROTECTED! On Tuesday, August 8th, the LPC designated the Rose Main Reading Room, and the Catalog Room, now known as the Bill Blass Public Catalog Room on the third floor of the Beaux-Arts Individual Landmark New York Public Library. Read more coverage of this exciting news from the LPC Press Release, Architect’s Newspaper, 6 Sq. Ft. and...
Kudos from the New York Times

Kudos from the New York Times

There has been a lot of coverage of last Thursday’s victory for New Yorkers at the Board of Standards and Appeals where the commissioners voted 3-1 to deny the requested variances.  Today’s online edition, (and tomorrow’s print edition) pick up on the significance of this decision and also highlight another turbulent BSA...

Condo Plans Cited Among Possible “Pay to Play” Deals

“The fix is in,” LW! President Kate Wood told reporters at a May 4, 2016, press conference on the steps of City Hall.  Here are some facts about two Upper West Side condo projects that point to the urgent need for federal investigation of possible “pay to play” relationships between developers, lobbyists, and City and...