This is the first intern introduction for the summer, following our earlier post welcoming our new team members.  Below, get to know Jahmauny.  Then, stay tuned for intros from the rest of our interns!
What is WHSAD?
I am Jahmauny Monds, and I just completed my sophomore year at the Williamsburg High School for Architecture and Design (WHSAD). With many unique aspiring architects and engineers, WHSAD has an amazing environment. Not only does this school allow me to integrate my skills such as designing and creating a 3-D model of the three main Greek columns for my English project on Greek architecture, but my school also teaches me how vital beautiful early and modern – day architecture has become.
What are some of the preservation-related courses you took this past year?
During my second year at WHSAD, I took an intricate, in-depth course in historic preservation. This class took me step-by-step through the different types of brick, brick bonds and methods to creating bricks. Then we researched the history of the infamous brick and how this invention was industrialized by the pug mill. With all of this newly developed knowledge, we then began to use Autodesk’s AutoCAD to create and plot our very own brick bonds.
What do you like best about studying architecture?
What I find the most intriguing about architecture is the amount of history that goes along with it. Architecture has power and meaning. It can show queens and kings, it can pay respect to deities of that time period, and it also shows the level of intelligence and creativity or the architects of that time. From Lady Liberty to the pyramids in Egypt, architecture is and forever will be, in my eyes, the most fascinating aspect of civilization.
What are you looking forward to doing in LW! this summer?
With my love for architecture, I have joined the LW! team this summer with the intention to preserve the history and ingenuity of New York City’s early building designs and techniques that were applied to the primary buildings of this great city. I plan to post more blogs with updates on the ongoing battle to keep these sacred buildings in their original state. I will also be a part of a specific project which is the Central Park West Skyline.
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