Landmarks Timeline
On April 19, 1965, Mayor Robert F. Wagner signed the Landmarks Law of New York City. In the years since the Upper West Side has benefited from its protections in the form of 3 Scenic Landmarks, 4 Interior Landmarks, numerous Individual Landmarks, 10 Historic Districts and 3 Historic District Extensions. Follow along to the progress in honor of the Landmarks60 Alliance each Friday as we update the timeline revealing UWS Landmarking History!
(NOTE: This page will be updated weekly as we count down the landmarks to the present day):
April 19th, 1965
July 19, 1966 #1, New-York Historical Society
170 Central Park West
September 20, 1966 #2, Belnord Apartments
225 West 86th Street
January 11, 1967 #3 West End Collegiate Church & School
245 West 77th Street