255 West 70th Street

255 West 70th Street


Date: 1885-86

NB Number: NB  1068-1885

Type:  Rowhouse

Architect:  Youngs, W. H. W.

Developer/Owner/Builder: E. Stanton Riker

Row Configuration: This row house, together with 251 and 253 West 70th Street, were meant to be read as one larger house. They were designed in an ABA pattern in such a way as to give the central house (no. 253) the appearance of a grand main entry for all three buildings.

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report:

Addendum to the West End-Collegiate Historic District Extension Designation Report

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Queen Anne with alterations

Primary Facade:   Brick, Red Brick, Sandstone, and Terra Cotta

Stories: 3 and basement

Decorative Metal Work: Round-arched openings at first story (replaced sashes)

Significant Architectural Features: Round-arched openings on first story, articulated by relieving archives supported on pilasters with decorative terra-cotta corbels; oriel window at second story on corbelled brick base and featuring floral terra-cotta details and molded sandstone cornice; terra-cotta parapet with arcaded balustrade and foliate detailing, continuous with 253 and 255 West 70th Street.

Alterations: Stoop removed, arched-opening at first story converted to window, basement facade built out slightly, and new recessed main entry installed at basement level (before c. 1980s tax photograph); stuccoed and painted around new main entry; two separate window openings at third story combined into one large window opening; large amount of brick replaced at lintel of new third story window opening (after c. 1980s tax photograph); metal balconette railing at first story; address plaque to east of main entry; exposed bulb at soffit at new main entry; light fixture to east of new main entry.

Building Notes: This row house, together with 251 and 253 West 70th Street, were meant to be read as one larger house. They were designed in an ABA pattern in such a way as to give the central house (no. 253) the appearance of a grand main entry for all three buildings.

Site Features: Concrete stairs descend into areaway

South Facade: Designed (historic, painted)
Stoop: Removed
Door(s): Replaced primary door
Windows: Replaced (upper stories); replaced (basement)
Security Grilles: Not historic (basement)
Areaway Wall/Fence Material(s): Non-historic tall metal fencing and gate
Areaway Paving Material(s): Concrete
Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete
Curb Material(s): Concrete and metal

Historic District: West End-Collegiate HD Extension


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