383 West End Avenue

383 West End Avenue


Date: 1885-86

NB Number: NB 869-1885

Type:  Rowhouse

Architect:  White, Frederick B.

Developer/Owner/Builder: Henry H. Hewett

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: West End – Collegiate Historic District

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Flemish Renaissance

Primary Facade:   Brick, pressed brick, pressed red brick, Red Brick, and Terra Cotta

Stories: 2 1/2 with basement

Elements: Two-and-one-half story rowhouse with basement and steep gable roof; pressed red brick, molded brick and unglazed terra-cotta detail with tinted mortar; one-over-one paired wood sash; stained glass transoms in first floor windows; splayed brick lintels over square and round arch openings; recessed stone stoop below a round Syrian arch shared with No. 385; single-leaf panelled door with
square glazed opening; third-story gable end is articulated by stylized engaged colonnettes rising from a string course on the second
floor and terminating in the finials of the gable end; molded terracotta panel in gable; original roof surface was tile with crenellated cresting (see No. 307 West 78th Street); decorative, basement grille and railings.

Historic District: West End - Collegiate HD

Alterations: Wrought-iron chimney crown removed; some inappropriate pointing; entry door, while of correct period and style, may replace an original door similar to that on No. 387.

History: Originally built as a row of eight houses (Nos. 381-389 West End Avenue and Nos. 303-307 West 78th Street).
These buildings were designed in a picturesque mode to be viewed as a single composition. No. 383 is the mirror image of No. 389 West End Avenue. No. 383 was sold to Emma Jane Stewart on February, 12, 1887.

References: New York City, Department of Buildings, Manhattan, Plans, Permits and Dockets.

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