New York Times Architecture Critic Michael Kimmelman makes a timely case for NEXT TUESDAY’S BACKLOG HEARING at the LPC (1 Centre Street, 9th FL, N).  In today’s column, linked HERE, Kimmelman notes the pressures which pushed the backlog into effect in the first place.  Two of the structures have been under LANDMARK WEST’s watchful eye for years, the IRT POWERHOUSE by McKim Mead and White (which makes a cameo in the article!) and the St. MICHAEL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH COMPLEX by Robert W. Gibson.

Of the former, Kimmelman writes:

The powerhouse is a working Con Ed facility, and the company says it needs to be able to change and adapt as technology evolves. But the building is a Beaux-Arts glory by McKim, Mead & White with a soaring interior. It embodies New York’s boundless ambition just over a century ago. Some compromise seems in order.

Click each link to learn more and join us on Tuesday at the LPC as we find out what the Commission’s decisions will be.  They can either:

a.) Prioritize the site for designation

b.) Vote “no action” based on merit

c.) Choose to remove the property from the calendar.

Check back here for updates!

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