147 West 63rd Street

147 West 63rd Street


Block:  1135      Lot: 16
Street:  West 63rd Street
Date of Construction: 1885
NB Permit: 1550-85
Architect:  Tuthill, W. B.
Style:  Romanesque Revival
Owner: A.A. Hughes
Use:  Dwelling

1900 Census
Ward: 455
# of Households: 1
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 1
Countries:  Ireland
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 1

1910 Census
Ward: 1313
# of Households: 2
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 16
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomer Immigrants: 7
Countries:  England, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, and Switzerland

1920 Census
Ward: 7-538
# of Households: 1
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 1
Countries:  Ireland
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 29
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomer Immigrants: 28
Countries:  Ireland

1930 Census
Ward: 31-81
# of Households: 1
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 1
Countries:  Ireland
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 28
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomer Immigrants: 28
Countries:  Ireland

1940 Census
Ward: 31-624
# of Households: 1
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 1
Countries:  Ireland
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 14
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomer Immigrants: 14
Countries:  Ireland

1950 Census
Ward: 31-326
Vacant-Building being renovated.


All Images Courtesy of NYC Municipal Archive.


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