49 Columbus Ave.

49 Columbus Ave.


Block:  1114      Lot: 64
Street:  Columbus Avenue
Date of Construction: 1887
NB Permit: 1942-1887
Architect:  Ferdon, M.V.B.
Owner: J.B. Gillie
Use:  Tenement

1900 Census
Ward: 454
# of Households: 13 (W)
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 11
Countries:  England, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Scotland, and Sweden
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 6(W)
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomer Immigrants: 4
Countries:  Finland, Ireland, and Italy

1910 Census
Ward: 1319
# of Households: 11 (W)
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 6
Countries:  Canada, Finland, Ireland, Italy, and Scotland
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 2(W)
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomer Immigrants: 2
Countries:  Finland and Ireland

1920 Census
Ward: 534
# of Households: 9 (W)
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 5
Countries:  Austria, England, Germany, Scotland, and Sweden
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 1(W)
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomer Immigrants: 0
Countries:  N/A

1930 Census
Ward: 31-379
# of Households: 12 (W)
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 7
Countries:  Algeria, France, Germany, Ireland, and Scotland
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 2(W)
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomer Immigrants: 1
Countries:  Ireland

1940 Census
Ward: 31-629
# of Households: 13 (W)
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 6
Countries:  Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Ireland, and Scotland
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 0
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomer Immigrants: NA
Countries:  N/A

1950 Census
Ward: 31-342
# of Households: 13 (W)
# of Households headed by Immigrant: 8
Countries:  Austria, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Scotland, and Yugoslavia
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomers: 1(W)
# Lodgers, Boarders or Roomer Immigrants: 1
Countries:  Greece

Notes: Previously 970 Ninth Avenue.

All images courtesy NYC Municipal Archive. 


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