215 West 70th Street

215 West 70th Street

Date: 1893-94

NB Number: NB 225-1893

Type:  Rowhouse

Architect:  True, Clarence

Developer/Owner/Builder: H. Chaffee

Row Configuration: placeholder

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Addendum to the West End-Collegiate Historic District Extension Designation Report

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Romanesque Revival

Primary Facade:   Brick, Buff Roman Brick, Limestone, and Roman Brick

Stories:  4 1/2 and basement

Special Windows: Cross-shaped window openings at upper half-story (possibly historic sashes); arch-headed window openings at fourth story (presently contain arch-headed upper sashes).

Decorative Metal Work: Balconette railings and posts at second story.

Significant Architectural Features: Rusticated limestone at basement and first story, capped by a small molded cornice that is continuous with all of the houses of this row; Roman brick upper stories with richly-carved limestone details, particularly at the upper half story, and flanked by limestone quoins and spiral molding at the western edge of elevation; bracketed cornice, continuous with other houses of the row; heavy, solid stoop sidewalls with fretted molding continuous with facade.

Alterations: Some replaced sashes (one-over-one double-hung sashes present in c. 1939 tax photograph); light fixture at main entry; address plaque to east of main entry.

Building Notes: Part of a larger row of five row houses (215 to 223 West 70th Street), designed in an ABBBA pattern. Possibly historic sashes at second, fourth, and upper half stories.

Site Features: Areaway partially raised to grade (not historic); granite steps within areaway.

South Facade: Designed (historic)
Stoop: Original stoop (historic gate under stoop)
Door(s): Possibly historic primary door
Windows: Mixed (upper stories); replaced (basement)
Security Grilles: Historic (first story); possibly historic (basement)
Cornice: Original
Areaway Wall/Fence Material(s): Low limestone wall with fretted molding on granite base (matching stoop).                                   Areaway Paving Material(s): Non-historic brick paving at grade; granite below grade
Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete
Curb Material(s): Concrete and metal

East Facade: Designed (historic) (partially visible)
Facade Notes: Building projects forward slightly from neighboring building; buff Roman brick
with a strip of limestone quoins towards southern end of elevation; rope molding at corner

West Facade: Designed (historic) (partially visible)
Facade Notes: Similar to east facade; primary (south) facade details continue onto the visible portions of this facade                     Areaway Paving Material(s): Non-historic brick paving at grade; granite below grade
Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete
Curb Material(s): Concrete and metal


Historic District: West End-Collegiate HD Extension

Wish List: 

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