Orpheus and Apollo

Artist: Lippold, Richard

Status: Removed

Subject: The God of Music, Apollo & The Greek Mythology Musician, Orpheus

Title: Orpheus and Apollo (sculpture)

Dates: 1962

Medium: Polished metal strips and steel wires

Type: Sculpture, Hanging Sculpture

Owner: Funded by the Ittleson Foundation, created for display in Philharmonic Hall, Lincoln Center. Removed in 2014 and slated for reinstallation at LaGuardia Airport.

Remarks: The sculpture was commissioned by Max Abramovitz, Architect of Philharmonic Hall, who envisioned a sculpture floating in the interior foyer of the hall designed with a contemporary take on the past magnificent chandeliers that would command a space. Lippold designed a mid-century modern explosion of metal strips that resulted in a 5-ton, 190′ long, 29′ tall glistening work of art. 

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