Andersen, Henry | BrickIronworkLimestoneTerra Cotta | Broadway and West 95th Street | Beaux-ArtsRenaissance Revival | Flat with Store | 2541 Broadway aka 2541-2547 Broadway; 251 West 95th Street 2541_a 2541_b 2541_c 2541_d 2541_e 2541_f 2541_g 2541 Broadway Date: 1899-1900 NB Number: 263-1899 Type: Flat with Store Architect: Andersen, Henry Developer/Owner/Builder: T. Reinhardt NYC Landmarks...
Rouse & Sloan | BrickStone | Broadway and West 96th Street | Renaissance RevivalUtilitarian | Commercial BuildingGarage/Stable | 2551-2555 Broadway aka 250 West 96th Street 2551_a 2551_b 2551_c 2551_d 2551 Bway_May 7 2015 2551-2555 Broadway Date: 1904 (under development – 2020-2023) NB Number: 971-1904 Type: Commercial Building and Garage/Stable Architect: Rouse & Sloan...
Burne, John C. | Buff brickStuccoTerra Cotta | Broadway and West 99th Street | Renaissance Revival | Flats | 2616 Broadway aka 230 West 99th Street 2616_a 2616_b 2616_c 2616_d 2616_e 2616 Broadway Date: 1899 NB Number: 1629-1899 Type: Flats Architect: Burne, John C. Developer/Owner/Builder: J.C. Burne NYC Landmarks Designation: Not Landmarked Landmark Designation...
Ajello, Gaetan | Beige BrickTerra Cotta | Broadway and West 104 Street and West 105th Street | Renaissance Revival | ApartmentStore | 2730-2738 Broadway aka 228-230 West 105th Street 2730_Bway_c (DA 5.25.22) 2730_a 2730_b 2730_c 2730_d 2730_e 2730_g 2730_h 2730_i 2730_j 2730_k 2730_l 2730-2738 Broadway Date: 1916-17 NB Number: 448-1916 Type: Apartment and Store Architect: Ajello, Gaetan...
Carrere & Hastings with Shreve, Lamb & Blake | BrickCopperLimestone | Broadway and West 104 Street and West 110th Street | Renaissance Revival | Apartment BuildingCommercial BuildingStore | 2720-2724 Broadway aka 223 West 104th Street 2720-2724_a 2720-2724_b 2720-2724_c 2720-2724_e 2720-2724_d 2720-2724 Broadway Date: 1922-23 NB Number: 302-1922 Type: Apartment Building, Commercial Building, and Store Architect: Carrere & Hastings and Shreve,...
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