2825-2831 Broadway
Winter, A. F. | BrickTerra Cotta | Broadway and West 109th Street and West 110th Street | Art ModerneUtilitarian | StoreTheater | 2825-2831 Broadway aka 301-305 West 109th Street 2825-2831_Bway_c 2825-2831_Bway_b 2825-2831_Bway_d 2825-2831 Broadway Date: 1935-36 NB Number: 81-1935 Type: Store and Theater Architect: Winter, A. F. Developer/Owner/Builder: F. W. Woolworth Company NYC Landmarks...
215 West 95th Street aka 2538-2550 Broadway
Weiher, L.F.J. Jr | Brick | Broadway and West 95th Street | Utilitarian | GarageStore | 215 West 95th Street 2538-2550 Broadway 215W_95_b 215W_95_a 215W_95_c 215W_95_d 215 West 95th Street Date: 1910 (*original); 1985 NB Number: 225-1910*; 95-85 Type: Garage and Store Architect: Weiher, L.F.J. Jr Developer/Owner/Builder: Real Const. Co.* NYC Landmarks...
2551-2555 Broadway aka 250 West 96th Street
Rouse & Sloan with Stephen B. Jacobs Group with Thomas Juul-Hansen | BrickStone | Broadway and West 96th Street | Renaissance RevivalUtilitarian | Commercial BuildingGarage/Stable | 2551-2555 Broadway aka 250 West 96th Street 2551_a 2551_b 2551_c 2551_d 2551 Bway_May 7 2015 2551-2555 Broadway Date: 1904 (under development – 2020-2023) NB Number: 971-1904 Type: Commercial Building and Garage/Stable Architect: Rouse & Sloan, Stephen B....