144-148 West 90th Street
Marvel Architects | West 90th Street | School | Stephen Gaynor School and Ballet Hispanico - 144-148 West 90th Street 144-148 West 90th Street Date: 2005 NB Number: 986-91 Type: School Architect: Marvel Architects Developer/Owner/Builder: n/a NYC Landmarks Designation: Not Landmarked Landmark Designation...
138-144 West 90th Street AKA St. Gregory the Great
Lynch, Elliott | LimestoneRed Brick | West 90th Street | Rundbogenstil | ChurchSchool | 138-144 West 90th Street AKA St. Gregory the Great 138-144_W90_A 138-144_W90_D 138-144_W90_F 138-144_W90_H 138-144_W90_I 138-144_W90_J 138-144 West 90th Street Date: 1912-13 NB Number: 288-1912/673-12 Type: Church and School Architect: Lynch, Elliott...
368 West End Avenue aka 360-368 West End Avenue – West End Collegiate Church
Gibson, Robert W. | Brick | West End-Collegiate HD Extension | West 77th Street and West End Avenue | Flemish Renaissance | ChurchSchool | 368 West End Avenue - West End Collegiate Church aka 360-368 West End Avenue 368 West End Avenue_b 368 West End Avenue_c 368 West End Avenue_e 368 West End Avenue_f 368 West End Avenue_h 368 West End Avenue_In_i 368 West End Avenue_In_a 368 West End Avenue_yyy 368...