Kudos from the New York Times

Kudos from the New York Times

There has been a lot of coverage of last Thursday’s victory for New Yorkers at the Board of Standards and Appeals where the commissioners voted 3-1 to deny the requested variances.  Today’s online edition, (and tomorrow’s print edition) pick up on the significance of this decision and also highlight another turbulent BSA...

Board of Standards and Appeals Hearing

This is slated to be the fifth (and final!) hearing for 361 Central Park West.  A vote is expected following this hearing. The hearing will take place in Spector Hall at 22 Reade Street. The AGENDA shows this as item number 10; the Hearing begins at 10am.

Say No to Speculative Condo Development Threatening Our Neighborhood & Our City

Say No to this Speculative Condo Development Threatening Our Neighborhood & Our City We, the undersigned, oppose the project to destroy the landmarked First Church of Christ, Scientist, 361 Central Park West, and we say “Enough!” to the kind of business as usual that diminishes the quality and character of our city. First Name (required) Last...