303 West 76th Street

  • 303 West 76th Street A
  • 303 West End Avenue C
  • 303 West 76th Street D
  • 303 West 76th Street B



303 West 76th Street

Date: 1891

NB Number: NB 47-91

Type: Rowhouse

Architect: Lamb & Rich

Developer/Owner/Builder: Lamb & Rich

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: West End – Collegiate Historic District

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style: Renaissance Revival

Primary Facade: Brick and Limestone

Stories: 4

Window Type/Material: Arched windows with foliate trim at fourth floor

Basement Type: Rusticated limestone basement

Structure: Brick

Elements: Four-story brick rowhouse with rusticated limestone basement. Three-story curved bay on curved base at left; limestone trim. arched porch over entry. Balcony at top of bay. Arched windows with foliate trim at fourth floor; denticulated frieze under bracketed cornice.

Historic District: West End - Collegiate HD

History: Build as one of a row of fourteen houses (Nos. 341-357 West End Avenue, 301-205 West 76th Street, 302-306 West 77th Street.) John Baker Roach, president of Delaware River Iron Shipbuilding and Engine Works, owned the house from November 19, 1894 to 1897. Henry Barstow Platt, son of U.S. Senator Thomas Platt, was the owner from 1897 to 1915. (References: New York City, Department of Buildings, Manhattan, Plans, Permits and Dockets.)

Alterations: Stoop removed; areaway wall veneered with brick; iron areaway railing and first floor window grilles installed, new non-curved one-over-one wood windows installed; basement entrance altered.


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