Halva for the Holidays

Halva for the Holidays

By Claudie Benjamin Judging by the steady stream of customers who enter the Nuts Factory on the corner of 80th Street and Broadway (2240 Broadway), this recently opened shop is a welcome addition to the neighborhood. This is not only because of the...
Healthy the Organic Way

Healthy the Organic Way

By Claudie Benjamin Uptown Whole Foods at 2421 Broadway (251 West 89th Street) is not a branch of the Whole Foods owned by Amazon. It has its own identity; one it’s always had through a succession of owners. It’s almost...
Good, Better, Best

Good, Better, Best

By Claudie Benjamin When did you decide to change careers? “It’s funny,” says Helene Godin, Founder and CEO of By the Way Bakery. “I remember the exact moment. I was working at Bloomberg and I thought ‘I’m done.’” It was...
Catering Your Celebration

Catering Your Celebration

By Claudie Benjamin There are those who miss chatting with their dinner guests because the commotion in the kitchen and serving consumes all of their time and energy. Later, after appreciative guests depart, hosts collapse on the couch, wistfully regretting not having...
The Much-Loved Dorilton

The Much-Loved Dorilton

By Claudie Benjamin Constructed in 1902, the Dorilton is definitely over-the-top gilded age style. But, the key to its enduring splendor is in the details. And beyond that, it’s immeasurable how much the building staff’s dedication to the...